August 2003 | volume 1, issue 2 | |





Democracy is a good idea
On politics, art and activism, idealism and pragmatism
by Morton & Jesper Goll

Dark Matter, Las Agencias, and the Aesthetics of Tactical Embarrassment by Gregory Sholette

Moving Forward by the Editors

From Global Justice to Antiwar and Back Again: A Personal Chronicle of a Season of "Better to Laugh than Cry" Antiwar Activism by Ben Shepard

"Imagination is an Instrument of Survival" About Pragmatic Multitudism by Christina Ulke. featuring an Interview with Peter Fend , including works by Mark Allen, Michael Asher, Nathaniel Clark, Nicole Cousino, Florence Dore, DRS, Morton Goll, David Hollander, Matt Hope, Maria Karlsson, Julie Konop, Sarah Lewison, Ocean Earth, Jonathan Phillips, Glen Howard Small, Neil Stuber, Gina Todus.

De-Colonizing the Revolutionary Imagination by Patrick Reinsborough. Values Crisis, the Politics of Reality and why there’s Going to be a Common Sense Revolution in this Generation.

The State Is No Dream, Not Even In My Kisses by Bea Schlingelhoff. Privacy is a legal fiction, legalize public access.

The Conspiracy of Silence - Dialogical Ethic and the Virtual Configuration of Emerging Nets

Tactics without Tears by Aaron Gach and Trevor Paglen. A framework for creative engagement on the frontlines of socio-political conflict

Story Stalking by E.A.Hansen. Belletristic

Counter Culture Dialectics by

BOOM! by Yates Mckee. Rehearsing the fantasies and defence mechanisms of free-market capitalism.

KRITIK!!! by Tessa Laird.Whinemaking, fussnummering and belletristic palaver on "roll of criticism." With contributions by Gwynneth Porter, Marc Herbst and Robby Herbst, Mark von Schlegell, Chris Kraus, Mat Gleason, Daniel Malone, and Daniel J. Martinez.

Music for an Amped Mob by Alex Bhagat with Grey Filastine. Alex Bhagat interview Grey Filistine of the Infernal Noise Brigade.

Woodsy by Sam White

Arts and Action; Ben Ehrenreich interviews members of LA's own radical art space by Ben Ehrenreich

Absurd Responses vs. Earnest Politics; Global Justice vs. Anti-WarMovements; Guerilla Theater and Aesthetic Solutions by Ben Shepard


Poster Project

03 illus/journal fd5 by Ben Benjamin